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Chapter 17: Evolution of High-Mass Stars
Learning Objectives
Define the bold-faced vocabulary terms within the chapter.
17.1 High-Mass Stars Follow Their Own Path
Illustrate the process of the CNO cycle.
Short Answer: 1
Describe the evolutionary sequence of a high-mass star once it leaves the main sequence.
Multiple Choice: 16
Short Answer: 5, 6
Differentiate between the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
Describe the physical mechanism in the star’s envelope that leads to stellar pulsations.
Multiple Choice: 12, 13
Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low-, intermediate-, and high-mass stars.
Multiple Choice: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17
Short Answer: 2, 3, 4
Explain how Cepheid variables are used as standard candles.
Multiple Choice: 5
Short Answer: 7, 8
17.2 High-Mass Stars Go Out with a Bang
Relate binding energy to the release of energy via fission and fusion.
Multiple Choice: 19, 21, 26, 27, 28, 35, 36
Short Answer: 10
Explain why iron cannot undergo nuclear fusion.
Multiple Choice: 18, 29, 30
Short Answer: 12
Illustrate the stages of core collapse in a massive star.
Multiple Choice: 22, 23, 24, 33
Explain how the implosion of a massive star leads to a Type II supernova explosion.
Multiple Choice: 31
Short Answer: 11, 13
Differentiate Type Ia and Type II supernovae.
Multiple Choice: 20, 25, 32, 34
17.3 The Spectacle and Legacy of Supernovae
Explain how supernovae produce heavy elements.
Multiple Choice: 39, 52, 56
Short Answer: 14, 15, 16
Describe the components of a Type II supernova remnant.
Summarize the physical characteristics of a neutron star.
Multiple Choice: 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 53, 55, 57
Short Answer: 17, 20
Explain the behavior and observable signals from a pulsar.
Multiple Choice: 47, 48, 54
Short Answer: 18, 21
Show how the observed characteristics of the Crab Nebula indicate it is the remnant of a Type II supernova.
Multiple Choice: 45, 49, 50, 51
Short Answer: 19
17.4 Star Clusters Are Snapshots of Stellar Evolution
Compare and contrast the properties of open and globular clusters.
Multiple Choice: 58, 64
Short Answer: 27, 28, 29, 30
Relate the location of the cluster’s main-sequence turnoff on an H-R diagram to the cluster’s age.
Multiple Choice: 60, 61, 62, 63, 66
Short Answer: 24, 25
Explain how the color and composition of a cluster yield clues about its origin and age.
Multiple Choice: 59, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70
Short Answer: 22, 23, 26
Working It Out 17.1
Calculate the binding energy of an atomic nucleus.
Short Answer: 9
Working It Out 17.2
Calculate the strength of gravity and escape speed from a neutron star.
Multiple Choice: 37, 38
1.      The fundamental stellar property that determines the major evolutionary differences in the life history of stars is
a.       distance from Earth.
b.      mass.
c.       location within a galaxy.
d.      rotation.
e.       presence/absence of planets around stars.
ANS: B         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.1
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
2.      The dominant mechanism by which high-mass stars generate energy on the main sequence is called
a.       the proton-proton chain.
b.      the carbon-carbon reaction.
c.       the triple-alpha process.
d.      the CNO cycle.
e.       neutrino cooling.
ANS: D         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.1
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
3.      What causes massive stars to lose mass at a high rate through stellar winds?
a.       radiation pressure
b.      high magnetic fields
c.       rapid rotation
d.      carbon fusion
e.       emission of neutrinos
ANS: A         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.1
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
4.      As a high-mass main-sequence star evolves off the main sequence, it follows a __________ on the H-R diagram.
a.       nearly vertical path
b.      path of constant radius
c.       nearly horizontal path
d.      path of declining luminosity
e.       path of increasing temperature
ANS: C         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.1
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
5.      If you measure the average brightness and pulsation period of a classical Cepheid variable star, you can also determine its
a.       age.
b.      rotation period.
c.       distance.
d.      mass.
e.       composition.
ANS: C         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.1
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Explain how Cepheid variables are used as standard candles.
6.      The CNO cycle is the more efficient mechanism for hydrogen fusion only in stars more massive than 1.3–1.5 M because of the greater __________ their cores.
a.       concentration of heavy elements like carbon in
b.      turbulence in
c.       abundance of hydrogen in
d.      temperature of
e.       rotation speed of
ANS: D         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.1
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
7.      In the CNO cycle, carbon is used as a catalyst for the fusion of hydrogen into helium. This means that
a.       three helium nuclei fuse to form carbon.
b.      carbon facilitates the reaction but is not consumed in it.
c.       carbon boosts the energy from the reaction, which is why massive stars are luminous.
d.      carbon breaks apart into three helium nuclei.
e.       the reaction produces carbon nuclei in addition to helium.
ANS: B         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.1
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
8.      What is one way in which high-mass stars differ from low-mass stars?
a.       They are found at cooler temperatures on the main sequence.
b.      They fuse carbon through silicon without leaving the main sequence.
c.       Convection is important in their cores, which mixes up helium throughout the core.
d.      They turn into red giants explosively.
e.       Most of their energy is produced by fission rather than fusion.
ANS: C         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.1
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
9.      The nuclear fusion reactions involved in the CNO cycle require much higher temperatures than the reactions within the p-p chain because
a.       carbon nuclei can exist only at extremely high temperatures.
b.      reactions involving a catalyst can only occur at higher temperatures.
c.       low mass stars do not have convective cores.
d.      neutrinos can only survive at temperatures where the CNO cycle is possible.
e.       nuclei with higher number of protons have a greater repulsive barrier against protons, so particles need to move fast to overcome it.
ANS: E         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.1
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
10.      How does the formation of elements by nuclear fusion depend on the mass of the star?
a.       With increasing mass, progressively heavier nuclei are forged deeper and deeper inside the star.
b.      With increasing mass, the heaviest elements can form only in the outermost layers of the star.
c.       With increasing mass, elements between helium and gold are formed in the cores.
d.      With increasing mass, only elements between helium and carbon can form in the cores.
e.       All stars more massive than 8 solar masses create elements from helium through uranium in their cores.
ANS: A         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.1
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
11.      Massive stars synthesize chemical elements going from helium up to iron
a.       throughout the interior.
b.      primarily at the surface.
c.       only in the core of the star.
d.      along the equator of the star.
e.       in a deep convection zone in the interior of the star.
ANS: C         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.1
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
12.      The luminosity of a Cepheid star varies in time because
a.       the entire star pulsates from its core to its surface.
b.      the outer envelope of the star contracts and expands radially.
c.       the star rotates too quickly.
d.      the star is too massive to be stable.
e.       the star undergoes large surface temperature fluctuations.
ANS: B         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.1
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Describe the physical mechanism in the star’s envelope that leads to stellar pulsations.
13.      What mechanism drives the pulsations in Cepheid variables?
a.       changes in the rate of core nuclear reactions
b.      the formation and destruction of sunspots
c.       the ionization and recombination of hydrogen
d.      the ionization and recombination of helium
e.       large rates of mass loss
ANS: D         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.1
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Describe the physical mechanism in the star’s envelope that leads to stellar pulsations.
14.      The main difference between classical Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars is
a.       their masses.
b.      that Cepheids form at much greater distances from Earth.
c.       that RR Lyrae were discovered much earlier than classical Cepheids.
d.      their pulsation mechanisms.
e.       that classical Cepheids obey a period-luminosity relation, but RR Lyrae do not.
ANS: A         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.1
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
15.      If a 25 M main-sequence star loses mass at an average rate of 106 M/yr while on the main sequence, then how much mass will it lose in its lifetime of about 7 million years?
a.       3 M
b.      5 M
c.       7 M
d.      10 M
e.       12 M
ANS: C         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.1
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
16.      In the post-main sequence stages, high-mass stars follow quasi-horizontal paths in the H-R diagram. This means that
a.       their luminosity increases because they expand.
b.      their color gets redder because they expand.
c.       their surface temperature stays about the same because their luminosity stays about the same.
d.      they actually become supernovae immediately after leaving the main sequence.
e.       they collapse and become very small in size.
ANS: B         DIF: Difficult       REF: 17.1
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Describe the evolutionary sequence of a high-mass star once it leaves the main sequence.
17.      A main-sequence star of 25 solar masses has about 25 times the luminosity of a 10-solar-mass star (recall the mass-luminosity relation presented in the previous chapter). This is because the more massive star
a.       has a hotter core, and therefore nuclear burning proceeds more rapidly.
b.      has more convection in its core, which heats up the material there.
c.       has more hydrogen to burn.
d.      has more carbon available, which speeds up the CNO cycle.
e.       is probably younger than the 10 solar mass star.
ANS: A         DIF: Difficult       REF: 17.1
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
18.      An iron core cannot support a massive main-sequence star because iron
a.       has low nuclear binding energy.
b.      is not present in stellar interiors.
c.       supplies too much pressure.
d.      fusion occurs only in a degenerate core.
e.       cannot fuse to make heavier nuclei and produce energy.
ANS: E         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.2
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Explain why iron cannot undergo nuclear fusion.
19.      Once silicon burning initiates in the core of a high-mass star, the star has only a few __________ left to live.
a.       seconds
b.      days
c.       months
d.      years
e.       million years
ANS: B         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.2
MSC: Remembering
OBJ: Relate binding energy to the release of energy via fission and fusion.
20.      Type I and Type II supernovae can be distinguished by what combination of observations?
a.       light curves and the detection of energetic cosmic rays
b.      light curves and the detection of neutrons
c.       light curves and the detection of radio pulses
d.      spectra and light curves
e.       spectra and X-ray emission
ANS: D         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.2
MSC: Remembering
OBJ: Differentiate Type Ia and Type II supernovae.
21.      Which of these fusion reactions begins first in the core of a massive star?
a.       silicon fusion to iron
b.      neon fusion to magnesium
c.       carbon fusion to neon
d.      helium fusion to carbon
e.       hydrogen fusion to helium
ANS: E         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.2
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Relate binding energy to the release of energy via fission and fusion.
22.      The collapse of the core of a high-mass star at the end of its life lasts approximately
a.       one second.
b.      one minute.
c.       one hour.
d.      one week.
e.       one year.
ANS: A         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.2
MSC: Remembering
OBJ: Illustrate the stages of core collapse in a massive star.
23.      Each stage of nuclear burning in a 25 Mstar is __________ in duration than in a star of 15 M.
a.       much shorter
b.      a little shorter
c.       equally long
d.      a little longer
e.       much longer
ANS: A         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.2
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Illustrate the stages of core collapse in a massive star.
24.      When the core of a massive star collapses, a neutron star forms because
a.       all the charged particles are ejected in the resulting explosion.
b.      protons and electrons combine to make neutrons.
c.       iron nuclei disintegrate into neutrons.
d.      neutrinos escaping from the core carry away most of the electric charge.
e.       the collapse releases a large number of protons, which soon decay into neutrons.
ANS: B         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.2
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Illustrate the stages of core collapse in a massive star.
25.      Type Ia and Type II supernovae are respectively caused by what types of stars?
a.       white dwarfs; Cepheid variables
b.      white dwarfs; pulsars
c.       massive stars; white dwarfs
d.      massive stars; neutron stars
e.       white dwarfs; massive stars
ANS: E         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.2
MSC: Remembering
OBJ: Differentiate Type Ia and Type II supernovae.
26.      The stellar energy is carried away primarily in the form of neutrinos when
a.       an iron core builds up.
b.      carbon burning begins.
c.       stars are on the main sequence.
d.      stars become unstable and pulsate.
e.       stars acquire mass from close companions.
ANS: B         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.2
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Relate binding energy to the release of energy via fission and fusion.
27.      During the main-sequence evolution of a massive star, progressively more massive elements are fused in the core, giving the core support for
a.       longer and longer times.
b.      shorter and shorter times.
c.       an approximately equal amount of time.
d.      approximately 10,000 years.
e.       only a few days.
ANS: B         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.2
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Relate binding energy to the release of energy via fission and fusion.
28.      Massive stars explode soon after fusion to iron initiates because
a.       iron has the smallest binding energy of all elements.
b.      neutrinos emitted during the fusion to iron are captured by the star’s lighter elements.
c.       fusion of elements heavier than iron requires energy, so the star runs out of fuel and cannot hold itself up against gravity.
d.      stars do not contain elements heavier than iron; these are made in supernovae explosions.
e.       iron nuclei are unstable and rapidly break apart into lighter elements.
ANS: C         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.2
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Relate binding energy to the release of energy via fission and fusion.
29.      Massive stars explode when they
a.       accrete mass from their binary star companion.
b.      generate uranium in their cores.
c.       merge with another massive star.
d.      run out of nuclear fuel in their core, and the cores collapse.
e.       lose a lot of mass in a stellar wind.
ANS: D         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.2
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Explain why iron cannot undergo nuclear fusion.
30.      In their post-main-sequence stages of evolution, the high-mass stars would spend progressively shorter and shorter periods of time in part because
a.       they are losing energy faster as neutrino cooling becomes more important.
b.      stellar cores become permanently inert once the stars leaves the main sequence.
c.       the stars switch from fusion to fission to produce energy.
d.      massive stars lose most of their nuclear fuel through powerful stellar winds.
e.       the energy is now produced only via violent gravitational contractions.
ANS: A         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.2
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Explain why iron cannot undergo nuclear fusion.
31.      A few hours before a high-mass star is blasting its outer layers in a colossal explosion, specialized detectors on Earth would be able to reveal a spike in the number of
a.       iron nuclei.
b.      carbon nuclei.
c.       protons.
d.      neutrinos.
e.       aurorae.
ANS: D         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.2
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Explain how the implosion of a massive star leads to a Type II supernova explosion.
32.      Supernovae are very energetic events and for several weeks within their occurrence they can outshine all but which one of the following objects?
a.       Our entire Milky Way galaxy
b.      An entire globular cluster of stars
c.       The high-mass star Eta Carinae
d.      A 1000 R red supergiant star
e.       A 50-day period classical Cepheid
ANS: A         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.2
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Differentiate Type Ia and Type II supernovae.
33.      Where did the iron in your blood come from?
a.       Nuclear reactions on the surfaces of neutron stars
b.      Nuclear reactions that took place in supernova explosions
c.       Nuclear reactions in the cores of low-mass stars
d.      Nuclear reactions in the cores of massive stars
e.       Nuclear reactions in red giant and horizontal-branch stars
ANS: D         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.2
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Illustrate the stages of core collapse in a massive star.
34.      How does the light energy emitted by a supernova within the first few days compare with the energy emitted by the Sun during its entire lifetime?
a.       The supernova emits far less energy.
b.      The energy output of a supernova is impossible to estimate.
c.       Both emit about the same energy.
d.      It is impossible to estimate the total energy output of the Sun over its entire lifespan.
e.       The supernova emits far more energy.
ANS: C         DIF: Difficult       REF: 17.2
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Differentiate Type Ia and Type II supernovae.
35.      Each kilogram of hydrogen that fuses into helium releases about 6 × 1014 Joules of energy. How many tons of hydrogen are fused each second to power a massive main-sequence star with a luminosity of 100 L? (Note that 1 L = 4 × 1026 Joule/second and 1 ton = 103 kg.)
a.       2 × 106 tons
b.      7 × 107 tons
c.       2 × 109 tons
d.      7 × 1010 tons
e.       2 × 1011 tons
ANS: D         DIF: Difficult       REF: 17.2
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Relate binding energy to the release of energy via fission and fusion.
36.      Why does the luminosity of a high-mass star remain nearly constant as the star burns elements heavier than helium in its core, even though it is producing millions of times more energy per second than it did on the main sequence?
a.       Most of the energy is trapped in the core, increasing the core’s temperature.
b.      All of the extra energy goes into heating the shells of fusion surrounding the core.
c.       Most of the energy is absorbed by the outer layers of the star, increasing the star’s radius but leaving its luminosity unchanged.
d.      Most of the energy is carried out of the star by escaping neutrinos.
e.       All of the energy goes into breaking apart light elements like helium and carbon.
ANS: D         DIF: Difficult       REF: 17.2
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Relate binding energy to the release of energy via fission and fusion.
37.      The weight of an average human of 70 kg on a typical 2 M, 15-km-wide neutron star would be about ______ times greater than here on Earth.
a.       1027
b.      1011
c.       105
d.      10
e.       1018
ANS: B         DIF: Difficult       REF: Working It out 17.2
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Calculate the strength of gravity and escape speed from a neutron star.
38.      Using the formula g = GMNS/R2NS, calculate the acceleration of gravity on a 3 M neutron and radius 10 km, and express this in terms of the acceleration of gravity on the surface of the Earth (g = 9.8 m/s2).
a.       4 × 104
b.      4 × 105
c.       4 × 108
d.      4 × 1011
e.       4 × 1014
ANS: D         DIF: Difficult       REF: Working It Out 17.2
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Calculate the strength of gravity and escape speed from a neutron star.
39.      Essentially all the elements heavier than iron in our Milky Way were formed
a.       by supernovae.
b.      during the formation of black holes.
c.       by fusion in the cores of the most massive main-sequence stars.
d.      during the formation of planetary nebulae.
e.       during the initial stages of the Big Bang.
ANS: A         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.3
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Explain how supernovae produce heavy elements.
40.      Neutron stars have masses that range from
a.       3.5 M to 25 M.
b.      1.2 M to 30 M.
c.       2.5 M to 10 M.
d.      1.4 M to 3 M.
e.       0.1M to 1.4 M.
ANS: D         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.3
MSC: Remembering
OBJ: Summarize the physical characteristics of a neutron star.
41.      A neutron star contains a mass of up to 3 M in a sphere with a diameter approximately the size of
a.       an atomic nucleus.
b.      an apple.
c.       a school bus.
d.      a small city.
e.       the Earth.
ANS: D         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.3
MSC: Remembering
OBJ: Summarize the physical characteristics of a neutron star.
42.      Which of the following is not a common characteristic of a neutron star?
a.       extremely high density
b.      enormous magnetic field
c.       short rotation period
d.      large radius
e.       source of pulsars
ANS: D         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.3
MSC: Remembering
OBJ: Summarize the physical characteristics of a neutron star.
43.      What mechanism provides the internal pressure inside a neutron star?
a.       ordinary pressure from hydrogen and helium gas
b.      degeneracy pressure from neutrons
c.       degeneracy pressure from electrons
d.      rapid rotation
e.       strong magnetic fields
ANS: B         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.3
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Summarize the physical characteristics of a neutron star.
44.      A neutron star in a mass-transfer binary system is called
a.       a quasar.
b.      a double star.
c.       an X-ray binary.
d.      a Cepheid variable.
e.       a white dwarf star.
ANS: C         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.3
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Summarize the physical characteristics of a neutron star.
45.      Scientists estimate that the stellar shells of the Crab nebula, blasted outward in a Type II supernova explosion, have slowed their expansion to about ___________ of the initial speed in about 1000 years.
a.       50 percent
b.      90 percent
c.       75 percent
d.      5 percent
e.       33 percent
ANS: D         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.3
MSC: Remembering
OBJ: Show how the observed characteristics of the Crab Nebula indicate it is the remnant of a Type II supernova.
46.      How do we understand the very fast rotation of neutron stars?
a.       It is a consequence of the conservation of angular momentum applied to collapsing objects.
b.      The convection in the cores of high-mass stars is responsible for this.
c.       The high temperature in the cores of high-mass stars imprints fast rotations.
d.      The degenerate iron core leads to fast spins.
e.       The fast rotation is due to their huge gravity on their surface.
ANS: A         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.3
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Summarize the physical characteristics of a neutron star.
47.      We can identify only a fraction of all the radio pulsars that exist in our Galaxy because
a.       gas and dust efficiently block radio photons.
b.      few swing their beam of synchrotron emission in our direction.
c.       most have evolved to become black holes, which emit no light.
d.      massive stars are very rare.
e.       neutron stars have tiny radii and are hard to detect even with large telescopes.
ANS: B         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.3
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Explain the behavior and observable signals from a pulsar.
48.      When the first pulsar was discovered, scientists thought it might be a signal from a distant extraterrestrial civilization. However, this idea was quickly discarded because
a.       they realized the signals were interference from cars and trucks passing by the radio observatory.
b.      the government made the scientists hide their original finding.
c.       they realized that Cepheid variables could produce the detected radio signals.
d.      more pulsars were discovered, which meant that these were natural phenomena.
e.       the technology required to create pulsed signals is beyond the power of any civilization.
ANS: D         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.3
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Explain the behavior and observable signals from a pulsar.
49.      The Crab Nebula is an important test of our ideas about supernova explosions because
a.       people saw the supernova and later astronomers found a pulsar inside the nebula.
b.      the system contains an X-ray binary.
c.       the nebula is expanding slowly, as expected from mass loss rates in massive stars.
d.      the original star must have been like the Sun before it exploded.
e.       astronomers observed the merger of the two stars.
ANS: A         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.3
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Show how the observed characteristics of the Crab Nebula indicate it is the remnant of a Type II supernova.
50.      One reason why we think neutron stars were formed in supernova explosions is that
a.       all supernova remnants contain pulsars.
b.      pulsars are made of heavy elements, such as those produced in supernova explosions.
c.       pulsars are often found near Cepheids and Wolf-Rayet stars, which are also signs of massive star formation.
d.      pulsars spin very rapidly, as did the massive star just before it exploded.
e.       pulsars sometimes have material around them that looks like the ejecta from supernovae.
ANS: E         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.3
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Show how the observed characteristics of the Crab Nebula indicate it is the remnant of a Type II supernova.
51.      The Type II supernova that created the Crab Nebula was seen by Chinese and Arab astronomers in the year 1054 CE. Assuming that the nebula is about 6,500 light-years away from us, we know the star must have exploded in the year
a.       554 CE.
b.      1054 CE.
c.       1054 BCE.
d.      5447 BCE.
e.       7555 BCE.
ANS: D         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.3
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Show how the observed characteristics of the Crab Nebula indicate it is the remnant of a Type II supernova.
52.      Iron has 26 protons in its nucleus, and gold has 79 protons. Where did all the gold on the Earth come from?
a.       nucleosynthesis on the surfaces of neutron stars
b.      nucleosynthesis that took place in supernova explosions
c.       nucleosynthesis in the cores of low-mass stars
d.      nucleosynthesis in the cores of massive stars
e.       nucleosynthesis in red giant and horizontal-branch stars
ANS: B         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.3
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Explain how supernovae produce heavy elements.
53.      In a rescaled model in which the Crab Nebula (10 ly across in reality) would only be about 10 km across, how big would the central neutron star (about 10 km in reality) be?
a.       the size of football field
b.      the size of an aspirin
c.       the size of a football
d.      the size of an atom
e.       the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen
ANS: D         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.3
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Summarize the physical characteristics of a neutron star.
54.      The particles that circle around the magnetic-filed lines of neutron stars producing radiation are
a.       neutrinos.
b.      ions.
c.       electrons and positrons.
d.      neutrons.
e.       photons.
ANS: C         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.3
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Explain the behavior and observable signals from a pulsar.
55.      The collapse of the core in high-mass stars naturally explains all but which one of the following neutron stars properties?
a.       high density
b.      small size
c.       high magnetic field
d.      fast rotation
e.       large distance from Earth
ANS: E         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.3
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Summarize the physical characteristics of a neutron star.
56.      Nucleosynthesis refers to the formation of
a.       massive atoms from less massive ones.
b.      less massive atoms by fragmentation of more massive ones.
c.       various isotopes of the same element.
d.      a star at the center of a collapsing nebula.
e.       first life forms on planets.
ANS: A         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.3
MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Explain how supernovae produce heavy elements.
57.      Which of the following is not true about neutron stars?
a.       Their existence had been predicted 30 years before they were discovered.
b.      All neutron stars are observed as pulsars from Earth.
c.       Neutron stars often show fast expanding debris around them.
d.      Neutron stars can be members of X-ray binaries.
e.       Their densities are comparable to that of atomic nuclei.
ANS: B         DIF: Difficult       REF: 17.3
MSC: Evaluating
OBJ: Summarize the physical characteristics of a neutron star.
58.      Which of the clusters in the figure shown below are open clusters?
a.       NGC 290 and M53
b.      NGC 290 and M55
c.       NGC 290 and NGC 6530
d.      M53 and M55
e.       M53 and NGC 290
ANS: C         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.4
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Compare and contrast the properties of open and globular clusters.
59.      In young clusters the light is dominated by
a.       luminous hot, blue, and some red supergiants.
b.      luminous red giants and red dwarfs.
c.       numerous Sun-like stars.
d.      large numbers of protostars.
e.       accreting white dwarfs.
ANS: A         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.4
MSC: Evaluating
OBJ: Explain how the color and composition of a cluster yield clues about its origin and age.
60.      What characteristic of a star cluster is used to determine its age?
a.       the chemical composition of stars in the cluster
b.      the luminosity of the faintest stars in the cluster
c.       the color of the main-sequence turnoff in the cluster
d.      the total number of stars in the cluster
e.       the apparent diameter of the cluster
ANS: C         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.4
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Relate the location of the cluster’s main-sequence turnoff on an H-R diagram to the cluster’s age.
61.      You observe three different star clusters and find that the main-sequence turnoff stars in Cluster 1 have spectral type F, the main-sequence turnoff stars in Cluster 2 have spectral type A, and the main-sequence turnoff stars in Cluster 3 have spectral type G. Which star cluster is the youngest and which one is the oldest?
a.       Cluster 1 is the youngest and Cluster 2 is the oldest.
b.      Cluster 2 is the youngest and Cluster 1 is the oldest.
c.       Cluster 2 is the youngest and Cluster 3 is the oldest.
d.      Cluster 3 is the youngest and Cluster 1 is the oldest.
e.       Cluster 3 is the youngest and Cluster 2 is the oldest.
ANS: C         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.4
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Relate the location of the cluster’s main-sequence turnoff on an H-R diagram to the cluster’s age.
62.      List the H-R diagrams in the figure shown below from oldest to youngest.
a.       2, 1, 3, 4
b.      1, 4, 3, 2
c.       4, 3, 1, 2
d.      1, 2, 4, 3
e.       3, 1, 4, 2
ANS: A         DIF: Easy              REF: 17.4
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Relate the location of the cluster’s main-sequence turnoff on an H-R diagram to the cluster’s age.
63.      In the figure shown below, the H-R diagram for the very old cluster M55 shows the presence of an intriguing type of objects, namely main-sequence stars bluer and more luminous than the turn-off stars.
These stars have been called “blue stragglers,” and an attractive explanation might be that they are
a.       newly formed stars within in the very gas-rich globular cluster environment.
b.      high-mass stars, recently formed by mergers of old, lower mass stars in the densely packed cluster.
c.       very luminous Type Ia supernovae at their peak luminosity.
d.      exotic stars that produce energy by mechanisms other than nuclear fusion.
e.       stars that actually do not belong to M55.
ANS: B         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.4
MSC: Evaluating
OBJ: Relate the location of the cluster’s main-sequence turnoff on an H-R diagram to the cluster’s age.
64.      The figure below shows the H-R diagram for the very young cluster NGC 6530. Notice that the main sequence is missing the red, low-luminosity tail. At the same time, there are several reddish and yellowish objects to the right of the main sequence (clearly marked). What could these objects represent?
a.       evolved Sun-like stars
b.      planets orbiting other stars
c.       red dwarfs
d.      red supergiants
e.       protostars in the pre-main sequence stages
ANS: E         DIF: Medium        REF: 17.4
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Compare and contrast the properties of open and globular clusters.
65.      What might be true about the oldest stars in the Milky Way?
a.       They would have lots of heavy elements, since they have been around for a long time and have undergone a lot of nucleosynthesis in their cores.
b.      They would be seen as supergiants.
c.       They would have few heavy elements, since there was not much chance for earlier generations of stars to explode as supernovae before these stars were formed.
d.      They would be massive, since they were among the first stars formed.
e.       They would likely be seen as pulsars.
ANS: C         DIF: Difficult       REF: 17.4
MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: Explain how the color and composition of a cluster yield clues about its origin and age.
66.      Of all the main-sequence stars ever formed with a mass equal to 25 percent of the Sun’s mass, how many are still on the main sequence today?
a.       none
b.      1 percent
c.       10 percent
d.      50 percent
e.       100 percent
ANS: E         DIF: Difficult       REF: 17.4
MSC: Evaluating
OBJ: Relate the location of the cluster’s main-sequence turn-off on an HR diagram to the cluster’s age
67.      Which objects would give us the best clues about the age of a galaxy like ours?
a.       the periods of the fastest spinning pulsars and Cepheid variables
b.      the numbers of planetary nebulae
c.       the observed frequency of high-mass-star supernovae
d.      the H-R diagrams of globular clusters of stars
e.       the luminosity of the most massive stars
ANS: D         DIF: Difficult       REF: 17.4
MSC: Evaluating
OBJ: Explain how the color and composition of a cluster yield clues about its origin and age.
68.      Recent research revealed that stars like our Sun slow down their rotation as they age, while on the main sequence. Assuming that you find a Sun-like star with a measured rotational period that is only 4-5 days long, it is likely that, compared with our Sun, the star will also have
a.       higher abundance of massive elements than our Sun.
b.      a very blue color.
c.       a much smaller size.
d.      no planets around it.
e.       very weak gravity.
ANS: A         DIF: Difficult       REF: 17.4
MSC: Evaluating
OBJ: Explain how the color and composition of a cluster yield clues about its origin and age.
69.      Which of the following arguments would render the discovery of a 100 Mstar with less than 0.5 percent massive elements most intriguing?
a.       Such high-mass stars shine mostly in the UV domain of the spectrum.
b.      Young stars typically have much higher massive-element abundances than older stars.
c.       Stars of such high mass very rarely form within interstellar clouds.
d.      Stars like this one are most likely found in open clusters.
e.       It would be the first star of such mass ever discovered.
ANS: B         DIF: DIF               REF: 17.4
MSC: Evaluating
OBJ: Explain how the color and composition of a cluster yield clues about its origin and age.
70.      The determination of colors and ages of clusters could be complicated by the fact that
a.       we cannot always resolve individual stars.
b.      color is also affected by chemical composition of stars.
c.       members of clusters have a large variety of ages.
d.      stars in clusters are at very different distances from us.
e.       there are too many stars in a cluster.
ANS: B         DIF: DIF               REF: 17.4
MSC: Evaluating
OBJ: Explain how the color and composition of a cluster yield clues about its origin and age.
1.      Why does the CNO cycle happen only in high-mass stars?
ANS: The CNO cycle requires protons to collide and react (i.e., fuse) with nuclei of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. These nuclei have a strong electrical repulsion, since they have six protons (carbon), seven protons (nitrogen), or eight protons (oxygen). High temperatures, which mean high particle velocities, are required to overcome this electrical repulsion. The corresponding high temperatures are achieved only in the cores of higher-mass stars, which have a greater internal pressure to their high mass.
DIF: Easy  REF: 17.1  MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: Illustrate the process of the CNO cycle.
2.      How do Classical Cepheid variable stars differ from RR Lyrae variable stars in their masses, luminosities, and periods?
ANS: Classical Cepheids are supergiant, massive stars, whereas RR Lyrae stars are horizontal branch stars with masses more like that of our Sun. Cepheids are also much more luminous and have longer periods (1 to 100 days) than RR Lyrae stars, which have periods of less than one day.
DIF: Easy  REF: 17.1  MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
3.      At what rate would a 25 M star lose mass via stellar winds (in M/yr), in order to reduce its mass by 20 percent in its lifetime? The main-sequence lifespan is about 7 million years.
ANS: The stars would reduce its mass by 5 M in 7 million years. This means an average loss of about 7 × 10-7 M/yr.
DIF: Easy  REF: 17.1  MSC: Applying
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
4.      Why do main-sequence high-mass stars lose so much mass compared with low-mass stars?
ANS: They have very strong winds because their luminosities (proportional to the number of photons liberated by the stars per unit time) are so high that the radiation pressure (i.e., pressure exerted by photons on massive particles) in their outermost layers is stronger than their surface gravity.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.1  MSC: Applying
OBJ: Compare and contrast the evolutionary stages of low, intermediate, and high-mass stars.
5.      An O-type star can expand into a supergiant that could exceed 1,000 R. If such a star would be dropped in the place of our Sun, how far would its “surface” extend?
ANS: The radius of the Sun is about R = 0.00465 A.U. The orbital radius of Jupiter around the Sun is about 5.2 A.U., which is the equivalent of more than 1100 R. Thus, if dropped at the center of the solar system, a supergiant star of this size could fill the whole orbit of Jupiter.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.1  MSC: Applying
OBJ: Describe the evolutionary sequence of a high-mass star once it leaves the main sequence.
6.      Betelgeuse is a star whose luminosity exceeds 1.2 × 105 L, but its measured surface temperature is quite low for a star, about 3500K. What would be its estimated size and where would it fall in the H-R diagram shown in the figure below? What would be the final fate of Betelgeuse?
ANS: As we learnt previously, stellar luminosity is given by two measures: size and surface temperature. L = 4πR2 σT4, which implies that L(L)=[R(R)]2 × [T(T)]4. Assuming T = 5800 K, it follows that [R(R)]2 = 1.2 × 105 × 0.64. The corresponding radius of Betelgeuse would be R(R) = 951. Its fate is to go supernova in the near astronomical future. Or maybe it has already exploded and the information is on its way to us.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.1  MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Describe the evolutionary sequence of a high-mass star once it leaves the main sequence.
7.      The figure below shows three distinct types of pulsating stars: Type I (classical) Cepheids, type II Cepheids and RR Lyrae. Assume that you find a variable star whose period of pulsation is several days. You accurately measure its apparent brightness, but you misidentify its type, labeling it “classical” instead of Type II, which would be its correct type in fact. What would be the effect in the determination of distance?
ANS: For the same apparent magnitude (i.e., brightness) and period, a Classical Cepheid is much more luminous and more distant than its Type II cousin. Therefore utilizing the period-relation linear relationship for Type I Cepheids would lead to a severe overestimation of the luminosity, with further implications into measuring a much larger distance to the star. For example, overestimating the luminosity by a factor of 100 would mean a derived distance 10 times larger. (Note the logarithmic y-axis scale.)
DIF: Difficult  REF: 17.1  MSC: Applying
OBJ: Explain how Cepheid variables are used as standard candles.
8.      With the Hubble Space Telescope, you discover a Cepheid variable star in a nearby galaxy that has a period of 30 days. If nearby Cepheids follow a period- luminosity that relates the absolute magnitude to the period of pulsation via M = 2.76logP(days) 1.4, then what is this Cepheid’s luminosity? Recall that the Sun’s absolute magnitude is M = 4.83. If the apparent magnitude of the Cepheid is 25, what is this galaxy’s distance in Mpc?
ANS: The Cepheid’s absolute magnitude is M = 2.76log 30 1.4 = 5.48. Therefore, its luminosity is obtained considering that the Cepheid is 10.31 magnitudes brighter than our Sun. This means that its luminosity is  10.31 = 13,300 times greater than our Sun’s.
Absolute magnitude M, apparent magnitude m, and distance d are related by the equations m M = 5 log (d/10 pc) and  pc.
Thus, the distance of the Cepheid is  pc = 107.1 pc = 12.5 Mpc.
DIF: Difficult  REF: 17.1  MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: Explain how Cepheid variables are used as standard candles.
9.      The first step shown in the CNO cycle diagram in the figure below shows the fusion of one proton and one nucleus of 12C. What are the frequency and wavelength of photon emitted in the process?
ANS: The mass of a 12C atom is m(12C) = 12.0000 amu (atomic mass units). The mass of one proton is m (1H) = 1.0073 amu. The mass of 13N is m(13N) = 13.0057 amu. There is a mass deficit of 13.0057 (12.0000 + 1.0073) = 0.0016 amu = 2.66 × 10-30 kg. This corresponds to an equivalent energy of E = mass deficit × c2 = 2.39 × 10-13 J. A photon of such energy would have a frequency f = E/h = 3.6 × 1020 Hz and a wavelength λ = c/f = 8.3 × 10-13 m, which means a gamma ray. (Note that a fraction of this energy could be in fact become kinetic energy of the 13N.)
DIF: Difficult  REF: Working It Out 17.1
MSC: Applying
OBJ: Calculate the binding energy of an atomic nucleus.
10.      What is the meaning of nuclear binding energy?
ANS: The binding energy of a nucleus is the energy required to tear it apart and separate the constituents (nucleons, i.e., protons and neutrons). Consequently, it is also equal to the energy released during the nuclear reactions that lead to the formation/assembling of that nucleus (fusing protons and neutrons together).
DIF: Easy  REF: 17.2  MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Relate binding energy to the release of energy via fission and fusion.
11.      Name three processes that speed the collapse of the core of a dying high-mass star.
ANS: (1) Photodisintegration uses up the thermal energy of the core and speeds the collapse (highly energetic gamma ray photons are consumed into breaking iron nuclei apart into helium nuclei).
(2) Electrons and protons combine to form neutrons and neutron-rich isotopes. This becomes possible in the overcompressed stellar core. This process uses thermal energy and thus speeds the collapse.
(3) Neutrinos continue to escape, carrying away energy and speeding the collapse.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.2  MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: Explain how the implosion of a massive star leads to a Type II supernova explosion.
12.      Why do very massive stars explode once they generate an iron core?
ANS: Fusion of light elements into more massive ones releases energy provided that it leads to the production of nuclei with increased binding energy (per nucleon). This is the case when hydrogen is converted into helium, helium into carbon, etc. Iron, however, is at the peak of the binding energy curve shown in the figure below. Therefore, energy can be released only in the synthesis of elements up to iron. Using iron itself to form heavier elements absorbs rather than liberates energy, because the nuclear reactions lead to nuclei less tightly bound than iron. As a result, the star cannot generate energy to hold itself up against its self-gravity and will experience a catastrophic core-collapse followed by an explosive blast of the outer layers.
DIF: Difficult  REF: 17.2  MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: Explain why iron cannot undergo nuclear fusion.
13.      Although a Type II supernova shines with a luminosity of one billion Suns (109 L) in light, most of the energy in the explosion is emitted in another way. What is it, and how much more energy does it carry compared with that of the light?
ANS: The overwhelming energy of a Type II supernova is carried away mostly by neutrinos. Neutrinos remove about 100 times more energy than the fast moving (ejected) outer stellar layers have in the form of kinetic energy and about 10,000 times more energy that the photons that we see as light.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.3  MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Explain how the implosion of a massive star leads to a Type II supernova explosion.
14.      Why do free neutrons released in supernovae create new heavy elements?
ANS: Neutrons have no electric charge, so there is no electric repulsion between neutrons and atomic nuclei, irrespective of the proton content of those nuclei. Free neutrons are produced in very large numbers in certain nuclear reactions in the interiors of evolved stars. Free neutrons are captured and incorporated by nuclei during supernova events, and subsequently they decay into protons within those nuclei. This permits the formation of elements with atomic numbers higher than iron.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.3  MSC: Applying
OBJ: Explain how supernovae produce heavy elements.
15.      In the universe, as a general trend, more massive atoms are less prevalent than lighter ones. There is, however, a severe exception to this pattern in the domain of low-mass elements. Identify the low mass nuclei related to the aforementioned “exception,” and briefly indicate how nuclear physicists explain this apparent conundrum.
ANS: The stellar nucleosynthesis reveals that elements like lithium (Li), beryllium (Be) and boron (B) are actually consumed (destroyed) in nuclear reactions inside stars, whereas heavier elements like carbon (C), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O) and even iron (Fe) have a much higher likelihood of being produced and scattered back into the interstellar medium when stars die.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.3  MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Explain how supernovae produce heavy elements.
16.      Briefly explain why planets like ours could not have formed at about the same time as the very first generations of stars in the universe.
ANS: Planets like Earth incorporated, at formation, a large fraction of heavy elements that had been synthesized and released by generations of massive stars that existed before our solar system. The primordial composition of the material from which the very first generations of stars formed did not include heavy elements.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.3  MSC: Understanding
OBJ: Explain how supernovae produce heavy elements.
17.      Explain why neutron stars are fast-spinning objects and why they have very strong magnetic fields.
ANS: As the core of a high-mass star collapses, its spinning speed increases due to the conservation of angular momentum. The collapse also leads to high magnetic field density and strength, because it becomes concentrated in a small volume.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.3  MSC: Applying
OBJ: Summarize the physical characteristics of a neutron star.
18.      Explain why the pulsars we see might be only a fraction of the neutron stars in the Milky Way.
ANS: Pulsars are rapidly spinning neutron stars with very strong magnetic fields. Subatomic particles, such as electrons, are stripped off the surface of the star and are accelerated along the magnetic lines. As a consequence, two beams of electromagnetic radiation are delivered away from the magnetic poles. As the object rotates, the beam of light sweeps out the same way a lighthouse beam does.
If that light beam happens to intercept our line of sight, we could detect the typical sharp pulses of emission in various domains (radio, optical, X-ray). It is likely that most neutron star beams are aimed in random directions, so they do not intersect Earth’s direction and so go undetected.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.3  MSC: Applying
OBJ: Explain the behavior and observable signals from a pulsar.
19.      The Crab Nebula is about 10 light-years across and its glow is energized by the pulsar at its center, about 10 km in size. The shell of this nebula is currently expanding at almost 1500 km/s. Estimate the age of the Crab Nebula. How does it reconcile with the documented records of a “guest star” from Chinese astronomers dating to 1054 CE?
ANS: If the “radius” of about 5 ly (recall that 1 ly = 9.46 × 1012 km) has been covered at a rate of about 1500 km/s in about (5 × 9.46 × 1012 km)/(1500 km/s) = 3.15 × 1010 s, that would translate to about 1,000 years of expansion, in agreement with the time elapsed since 1054.
A caveat should be pointed out, however. Considering that at the moment of the stellar explosion the ejected layers could have started at 30,000 km/s and scientists presently measure about 1500 km/s, the average speed could be quite uncertain (significantly larger than 1500 km/s) and hence our rough estimate a nice coincidence.
DIF: Difficult  REF: 17.3  MSC: Evaluating
OBJ: Show how the observed characteristics of the Crab Nebula indicate it is the remnant of a Type II supernova.
20.      Show that the average density of a typical neutron star is comparable to the typical densities of atomic nuclei.
ANS: Taking as typical a neutron stars of 15 km in size (R = 7.5 km) and a mass of 2 M(the solar mass M = 2 × 1030 kg), one would estimate an average density of ρ = M/V = 2.3 × 1018 kg. Different experiments suggest that atomic nuclei are quite spherical and all have essentially the same density, 2.3 × 1017 kg/m3.
DIF: Difficult  REF: 17.3  MSC: Evaluate
OBJ: Summarize the physical characteristics of a neutron star.
21.      It is known that pulsars tend to slow down their rotation as they age, albeit at a very, very slow rate (they are considered by far the most accurate clocks in the universe in fact). Some extreme pulsars, however, rotate hundreds of times per second (they are hence call millisecond pulsars) and were discovered in globular clusters. They spin faster than most of the usual kitchen gadgets we use. What would be a reasonable explanation that you could infer using as a hint in the figure shown below?
ANS: Very old pulsars can be revived and spun-up if they get gravitationally bound to a companion star and syphon material from that. The material would form an accretion disk with a direction of rotation that matches the direction of rotation of the pulsar itself. The neutron star could gain angular momentum from the material that falls onto it. This could be a reasonable explanation.
DIF: Difficult  REF: 17.3  MSC: Evaluate
OBJ: Explain the behavior and observable signals from a pulsar.
22.      Explain why a blue star cluster is likely younger than a red star cluster.
ANS: The blue color of a star cluster is dominated by the higher-energy photons liberated by the most massive stars within it. Because such massive stars are also short-lived, the cluster must be young. On the other hand, if the light of a star cluster appears red, its light output must be dominated by evolved stars (post main sequence, red giants) and low-mass main-sequence stars. The light from such stars would easily be outshone by the presence of high-mass stars in the cluster. The fact that we see mostly the light from the fainter, low-mass stars means the high-mass stars must have already “died,” which indicates that the red cluster is older than the blue cluster. (Note that further complications could come from the fact that composition can also affect color, with a lower fraction of heavy elements being related to bluer stars.)
DIF: Easy  REF: 17.4  MSC: Applying
OBJ: Explain how the color and composition of a cluster yield clues about its origin and age.
23.      About 2 percent of the mass of the Sun is in elements heavier than helium. Where did these elements come from?
ANS: The Sun is only one third of the estimated age of the universe. It formed as a large clump of gas and dust in the interstellar medium (a.k.a. solar nebula) collapsed under its own gravity. That original cloud had been previously seeded with elements heavier than helium synthesized in earlier generations of stars and then released into interstellar space mostly through supernovae explosions.
DIF: Easy  REF: 17.4  MSC: Applying
OBJ: Explain how the color and composition of a cluster yield clues about its origin and age.
24.      Suppose you observe three star clusters and construct their respective H-R diagrams. Cluster 1 has a main-sequence turnoff point at spectral type G, Cluster 2 has a turnoff point at spectral type A, and Cluster 3 has a turnoff point at spectral type B. Which cluster is the youngest and which is the oldest? Explain why. What is the approximate age of the oldest cluster?
ANS: For stars along the main sequence, spectral type B indicates the highest mass, while type G is indicative of lower, Sun-like stellar masses, with A-type falling in an intermediate domain. Since more massive stars have shorter main-sequence lifetimes, Cluster 3 is the youngest and Cluster 1 is the oldest. One could infer that Cluster 1 is about 10 billion years old because the Sun itself is a G-type star and has an estimated main-sequence lifetime of about 10 billion years.
DIF: Easy  REF: 17.4  MSC: Applying
OBJ: Relate the location of the cluster’s main-sequence turnoff on an H-R diagram to the cluster’s age.
25.      Why are star clusters helpful for testing our ideas about star formation and stellar evolution?
ANS: Stellar clusters constitute ideal “laboratories” for testing our understanding about the formation and evolution of stars, because one can make a few powerful assumptions about the stars within the same cluster: (1) they all formed at about the same time; (2) they all started out from the same original cloud of interstellar medium, thus all have almost identical initial composition; and (3) they all are about the same distance from us, thus differences in apparent brightness are solely caused by luminosity differences. This allows us to directly explore the effect of stellar mass on the evolution of individual stars, in particular to verify that high-mass stars evolve more quickly than low-mass stars.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.4  MSC: Applied
OBJ: Relate the location of the cluster’s main-sequence turnoff on an H-R diagram to the cluster’s age.
26.      Give two major arguments for the scarcity of stars in the high-mass, high-luminosity, main-sequence blue tail of the H-R diagram.
ANS: Firstly, only a very small number of high-mass stars form to begin with. Secondly, stars of high mass go through all the stages of their formation and evolution (pre-main sequence, main sequence and post-main sequence) very fast, finding their demise in supernovae events.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.4  MSC: Applying
OBJ: Explain how the color and composition of a cluster yield clues about its origin and age.
27.      Explain why spectra of stellar photospheres (for main sequence stars in particular) give us insights into the chemical composition of the original clumps of interstellar material that formed the stars in the first place.
ANS: In main-sequence stars the matter synthesized or “processed” in nuclear reactions doesn’t quite mix with the material in the stellar atmospheres. One can say that stellar surfaces and atmospheres still retain the least-altered information about the interstellar material from which those stars formed. Thus, the spectra revealing the abundance of massive elements give clues about the composition of the original nebula and reflect the preexisting, cumulative amount of star formation.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.4  MSC: Applying
OBJ: Compare and contrast the properties of open and globular clusters.
28.      Justify with numerical arguments the statement that “every star less massive than about 0.8 solar mass that ever formed is still around today.”
ANS: We learned previously that the main-sequence lifespan is estimated by tMS = 1010 yr × (M/M)2.5. In our context tMS = 1010 yr × (0.8)2.5 = 17.4 Gyr, which is longer than the estimated age of the universe itself.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.4  MSC: Applying
OBJ: Compare and contrast the properties of open and globular clusters.
29.      Explain the likelihood of Type Ia and Type II supernovae occurrence in open and globular clusters of stars.
ANS: Type Ia supernovae involve an accreting white dwarf, stealing material from a companion star. The very presence of a white dwarf requires a rather long time for Sun-like stars to reach that stage. Thus, Type Ia should be far more prevalent in globular clusters, which are in fact some of the best indicators for the age of the galaxy itself. Type II supernovae represent the typical fate of high-mass stars, which are the more frequently members of open clusters in Milky Way and other star forming galaxies. (Note that Type Ia could also occur in parts of a galaxy other than its globular clusters.)
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.4  MSC: Evaluate
OBJ: Compare and contrast the properties of open and globular clusters.
30.      As star formation leads to large numbers of low-mass stars and rare cases of high-mass stars, what would be the ultimate fate of galaxies like our Milky Way?
ANS: The interstellar material is being “locked” in stars faster that it is recycled back into it. Therefore, in the distant astronomical future, galaxies will cease their star formation and slowly become dimmer and dimmer.
DIF: Medium  REF: 17.4  MSC: Evaluate
OBJ: Compare and contrast the properties of open and globular clusters.

For The Students Who Need Grade ‘A’ In Their Studies

Hi, hope you are having a great day…
We are a group of 24 writers having profound expertise in Business and Computer Science subjects. We can help you score A grade in your Accounting, Marketing, Finance, Economics, Management, Mathematics, Statistics, Information System, System Modeling, C++, Java Programming, Network Administration, Enterprise Administration, Database, Web Design, Networking, Internetworking, Data warehouse etc…
We can also provide help with Psychology, Nursing, Health, History, English Literature, Political Science, Ethics, Humanity etc classes.
We can help with essays, term papers, research papers, dissertation, Ilabs, mymatlab, Wileplus, quizzes, exams, discussion questions etc.
You can expect:
We understand each student has different requirement and we tend to treat each student according to his/her satisfaction.
We will provide original assignments, plagiarism free and to custom requirement.
We will always meet deadlines.
Our support will be 24/27, even in holidays.
Our pricing will be fair.
We will do free revisions if you want to make changes in provided work.
Email us for more information, query and quote.


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