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Chapter 06 System Integration and Performance

1. ​A system bus connects computer system components, including the CPU, memory, storage, and I/O devices.

2. A system bus can be conceptually or physically divided into specialized subsets, including the data, address, control, and power buses.

3. With serial communication lines in a bus, each line carries only one bit value or signal at a time, and many lines are required to carry data, address, and control bits.

4. Until the 2000s, system buses were always constructed with serial electrical lines.

5. Serial channels in buses are more reliable than parallel channels at very high speeds.

6. ​Performance is improved if storage and I/O devices can transmit data between themselves with explicit CPU involvement.

7. Peer-to-peer bus protocols are substantially less complex but more expensive than master-slave bus protocols.

8. The memory bus has a much higher data transfer rate than the system bus because of its shorter length, higher clock rate, and (in most computers) large number of parallel communication lines.

9. Secondary storage devices are much faster than the system bus.

10. Devices with low data transfer demand can use a single PCI bus lane, and devices with higher requirements can increase their available data transfer rate by using additional lanes.

11. The CPU communicates with a peripheral device by moving data to or from an I/O port’s dedicated bus.

12. A PC usually transmits data one bit at a time over a wireless connection, and a laser printer prints an entire page at once.

13. A buffer for an I/O device is typically implemented on the sending computer.

14. During a write operation, a cache acts similarly to a buffer.

15. Data written to a cache during a write operation isn’t automatically removed from the cache after it’s written to the underlying storage device.

16. One way to limit wait states is to use an SDRAM cache between the CPU and SRAM primary storage.

17. Disk caching is common in modern computer systems, particularly in file and database servers.

18. The OS is the best source of file access information because it updates information dynamically as it services file access requests.

19. A full-featured 64-bit CPU, even one with multiple ALUs and pipelined processing, typically requires fewer than 50 million transistors.

20. When multiple processors occupy a single motherboard, they share primary storage and a single system bus.

21. Multiple-processor architecture is not common in workstations.

22. Both multicore and multiple-processor architectures are examples of scaling up because they increase the power of a single computer system.

23. Until the 1990s, scaling up was almost always a more cost-effective strategy to increase available computer power because communication between computers was extremely slow compared with communication between a single computer’s components.

24. The largest computational problems, such as those encountered in modeling three-dimensional physical phenomena, can be solved by a single computer as long as it has enough computing resources.

25. People routinely download megabytes or gigabytes of data via the Internet and store gigabytes of data on handheld devices, terabytes on desktop computers, and petabytes to exabytes in corporate and government data centers.

26. Reducing the size of stored or transmitted data can improve performance whenever there’s a dearth of processing power.

27. Zip files and archives are examples of lossless compression.

28. Lossless compression ratios higher than 50:1 are difficult or impossible to achieve with audio and video data.

29. Using data compression alters the balance of processor resources and communication or storage resources in a computer system.

30. MP3 compresses the audio data stream by discarding information about masked sounds or representing them with fewer bits.

31. ​A ____ is a shared electrical or optical channel that connects two or more devices.

32. There are typically multiple storage and I/O devices connected to a computer, collectively referred to as ____.

33. The ____ carries commands, command responses, status codes, and similar messages.

34. Devices attached to a system bus coordinate and synchronize their activities with a common ____.

35. The ____ governs the format, content, and timing of data, memory addresses, and control messages sent across the bus.

36. When the CPU is the focus of all computer activity, it’s also the ____.

37. When the CPU is the focus of all computer activity, all other devices are ____.

38. Under direct memory access, a device called a ____ is attached to the bus and to main memory.

39. In a ____, any device can assume control of the bus or act as a bus master for transfers to any other device.

40. A ____ is a simple processor attached to a peer-to-peer bus that decides which devices must wait when multiple devices want to become a bus master.

41. The ____ connects only the CPU and memory.

42. A ____ connects secondary storage devices to the system bus.

43. ____ is a family of bus standards found in nearly all small and midrange computers and many larger ones.

44. Data, address, and command bits are transmitted across PCI bus line subsets called “____.”

45. A(n) ____ is a communication pathway from the CPU to a peripheral device.

46. In most computers, an I/O port is a ____.

47. One task performed by a storage device controller is translating logical write operations into ____ write operations.

48. If the CPU is idle while a device completes an access request, the CPU cycles that could have been (but weren’t) devoted to instruction execution are called ____.

49. A ____ is a reserved area of main memory accessed on a last-in, first-out (LIFO) basis.

50. The main goal of buffering and caching is to ____.

51. If a buffer isn’t large enough to hold and entire unit of data transfer, an error called a ____ occurs.

52. As buffer size increases above ____ bytes, CPU cycle consumption decreases at a linear rate.

53. The ____ states that when multiple resources are required to produce something useful, adding more of a single resource produces fewer benefits.

54. Most performance benefits of a cache occur during ____.

55. A ____ is a processor that guesses what data will be requested in the near future and loads this data from the storage device into the cache before it’s actually requested.

56. When the data needed isn’t in the cache, the access is called a ____.

57. The ratio of cache hits to read accesses is called the cache’s ____.

58. When three cache levels are in use, the cache farthest from the CPU is called a ____ cache.

59. When three cache levels are in use, the cache closest to the CPU is called a ____ cache.

60. Many computer system designers rely on ____ to implement disk caching.

61. The latest trend in high-performance CPU design embeds multiple CPUs and cache memory on a single chip—an approach called ____.

62. ____ is a cost-effective approach to computer system design when a single computer runs many different application programs or services.

63. The phrase ____ describes approaches to increasing processing and other computer system power by using larger and more powerful computers.

64. ____ is an approach that partitions processing and other tasks among multiple computer systems.

65. ____ is a technique that reduces the number of bits used to encode data, such as a file or a stream of video images transmitted across the Internet.

66. A ____ is a mathematical compression technique implemented as a program.

67. With ____ compression, any data input that’s compressed and then decompressed is exactly the same as the original input.

68. With ____ compression, data inputs that are compressed and then decompressed are different from, but still similar to, the original input.

69. The term ____ describes the ratio of data size in bits or bytes before and after compression.

70. Lossy compression of audio and video can achieve compression ratios up to ____.

71. ​The ____________________ transmits data between computer system components.

72. The ____________________ distributes electrical power to directly attached devices or their device controllers.

73. Computer system components coordinate their activities by sending signals over the ____________________.

74. In the simplest sense, a(n) ____________________ is just a set of communication lines.

75. In traditional computer architecture, the ____________________ is the focus of all computer activity.

76. ____________________ buses connect a subset of computer components and are specialized for these components’ characteristics and communication between them.

77. The ____________________ bus improves computer system performance by removing video traffic from the system bus and providing a high-capacity one-way communication channel optimized for video data.

78. A(n) ____________________ bus, such as a Universal serial Bus, connects one or more external devices to the system bus.

79. ____________________ ports enable the CPU and bus to interact with a keyboard in the same way they interact with a disk drive or video display.

80. Storage and I/O devices are normally connected to the system bus or a subsidiary bus through a(n) ____________________.

81. When the CPU detects an interrupt, it executes a master interrupt handler program called the ____________________.

82. A portion of the CPU, separate from the components that fetch and execute instructions, monitors the bus continuously for interrupt signals and copies them to a(n) ____________________.

83. A special-purpose register called the ____________________ always points to the next empty address in the stack and is incremented or decremented automatically each time the stack is pushed or popped.

84. Mismatches in data transfer rate and data transfer unit size are addressed in part by ____________________, which consumes substantial CPU resources.

85. A(n) ____________________  is a small reserved area of main memory (usually DRAM or SRAM) that holds data in transit from one device to another and is required to resolve differences in data transfer unit size.

86. As single bits are transferred over the wireless connection, they’re added to the buffer in ____________________ order.

87. A(n) ____________________ can improve system performance when two devices have different data transfer rates, as when copying music files from a PC to an iPod via a USB 2.0 connection.

88. Like a buffer, a(n) ____________________ is a reserved area of high-speed memory (usually RAM) that improves system performance.

89. When a read operation accesses data already contained in the cache, the access is called a(n) ____________________.

90. A cache miss requires performing a(n) ____________________ to or from the storage device.

91. ____________________ is a more traditional approach to multiprocessing that uses two or more processors on a single motherboard or set of interconnected motherboards.

92. Most compression algorithms have a corresponding ____________________ algorithm that restores compressed data to its original or nearly original state.

93. ____________________ compression is required in many applications, such as accounting records, executable programs, and most stored documents.

94. ____________________ compression is usually applied only to audio and video data because the human brain tolerates missing audio and video data and can usually “fill in the blanks.”

95. ____________________ is incorporated into all modern videoconferencing standards to reduce use of available data transfer capacity.

96. ​Discuss two ways to increase the maximum bus data transfer rate.

97. Explain why overall system performance is reduced in traditional computer architecture, using a bus master.

98. ​How can a cache controller be implemented?

99. Explain lossless compression and provide an example.

100. Explain lossy compression and provide an example.

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