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Chapter 7: The Birth and Evolution of Planetary Systems
Learning Objectives
Define the bold-faced vocabulary terms within the chapter.
Multiple Choice: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 17, 27, 28, 29, 42
Short Answer: 7.1 Planetary Systems Form around a Star
Illustrate the nebular hypothesis for solar system formation.
Multiple Choice: 5
Short Answer: Describe how astronomers and geologists arrived at the same conclusions about Earth’s origins from different pieces of evidence.
Multiple Choice: 3
Short Answer7.2 The Solar System Began with a Disk
Explain conservation of angular momentum.
Multiple Choice: 9, 11, 13
Short Answer: Illustrate how accretion disks transfer angular momentum so that stars and planets can collapse.
Multiple Choice: 10, 12, 14, 15
Short Answer: Describe the formation sequence of planetesimals in an accretion disk.
Multiple Choice: 6, 7
7.3 The Inner Disk and Outer Disk Formed at Different Temperatures
Explain conservation of energy.
Multiple Choice: 18, 21
Use conservation of energy to argue why material falling on an accretion disk heats the disk up.
Multiple Choice: 24, 25
Short Answer:
Distinguish between refractory and volatile materials.
Multiple Choice: 22
Short Answer: Relate the temperature of an accretion disk to the presence of different types of materials (e.g. refractory, volatile, organic, ice) within the disk.
Multiple Choice: 23, 26
Short Answer: Compare and contrast primary and secondary atmospheres.
Multiple Choice: 19, 20
Short Answer: 7.4 The Formation of Our Solar System
Compare and contrast terrestrial and giant planets.
Multiple Choice: 31, 40
Describe how planetesimals become planets.
Multiple Choice: 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39
Short Answer:
Show how temperature differences in our accretion disk led to the formation of terrestrial and giant planets.
Multiple Choice: 30, 36
7.5 Planetary Systems Are Common
Summarize the five methods that astronomers use to detect extrasolar planets.
Multiple Choice: 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65
Short Answer: Describe how planetary migration accounts for hot Jupiters being located very close to their host stars.
Multiple Choice: 49, 53, 54
Short Answer:
Working It Out 7.1
Compute and compare orbital and spin angular momentum.
Multiple Choice: 66, 67, 68, 69
Short Answer: Working It Out 7.2
Use Kepler’s third law to calculate the size of a planet’s orbit.
Working It Out 7.3
Estimate the size of a planet by considering how much of its parent star’s light it occults.
Multiple Choice: 70

1.      What is a protostar?
a.       a planet like Jupiter
b.      a hot star
c.       a large ball of gas not yet hot enough at its core to be a star
d.      a large ball of gas too hot at its core to be a star
e.       a star with too much angular momentum
2.      What is a meteorite?
a.       a streak of light in the sky
b.      a rock that fell to Earth from space
c.       a fireball
d.      a volcanic rock
e.       an iron-rich rock
3.      What have astronomers and geologists studied to arrive at the same conclusions about Earth’s origins?
a.       volcanism in the solar system
b.      comets
c.       meteorites
d.      the Moon
e.       the oceans
4.      The icy planetesimals that remain in the solar system today are called
a.       asteroids.
b.      moons.
c.       meteorites.
d.      comet nuclei.
5.      Which of the following is not a characteristic of the early Solar System, based on current observations?
a.       The early solar nebula must have been flattened.
b.      The material from which the planets formed was swirling about the Sun in the same average rotational direction.
c.       The first objects to form started out small and grew in size over time.
d.      The initial composition of the solar nebula varied between its inner and outer regions.
e.       Temperatures decreased with increasing distance from the Sun.
6.      The smallest grains of dust stick together in an accretion disk by which force?
a.       gravitational force
b.      electrostatic force
c.       magnetic force
d.      quantum mechanical force
e.       strong force
7.      In order for two clumps of dust to stick together in an accretion disk, they must collide at roughly
a.       100 m/s.
b.      10 m/s.
c.       1 m/s.
d.      0.5 m/s.
e.       0.1 m/s or less.
8.      What is a planetesimal?
a.       bodies of ice and rock 100 meters or more in diameter
b.      bodies of ice and rock 10 meters or less in diameter
c.       bodies of ice and rock about 1 meter in diameter
d.      another name for dwarf planets
e.       planets that haven’t cleared their orbits
9.      According to the conservation of angular momentum, if an ice-skater who is spinning with her arms out wide slowly pulls them close to her body, this will cause her to...
a.       spin faster.
b.      spin slower.
c.       maintain a constant rate of spin.
d.      fall down.
10.      Approximately how much mass was there in the protoplanetary disk out of which the planets formed, compared to the mass of the Sun?
a.       50 percent
b.      25 percent
c.       10 percent
d.      5 percent
e.       < 1 percent
11.      In the figure shown below, the direction of the disk’s rotation is indicated. What is the direction of the protostellar Sun’s rotation?
a.       impossible to tell
b.      in the opposite direction as the disk’s rotation
c.       in the same direction as the disk’s rotation
d.      perpendicular to the disk’s rotation
12.      Consider the figure shown below. At which point in time does the collapsing cloud have the greatest angular momentum?
a.       1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      1 and 2, because the protostar has not yet formed
e.       The cloud has the same angular momentum at each point in time.
13.      The fact that Jupiter’s radius is contracting at a rate of 1 mm per year results in
a.       Jupiter’s rotation rate slowing down with time.
b.      Jupiter’s shape being noticeably oblate.
c.       Jupiter moving slightly farther from the Sun with time.
d.      Jupiter radiating more heat than it receives from the Sun.
e.       Jupiter having a strong magnetic field.
14.      If a collapsing interstellar cloud formed only a protostar without an accretion disk around it, what would happen?
a.       The forming protostar would be significantly less massive than it would have been otherwise.
b.      The forming protostar would be rotating too fast to hold itself together.
c.       Only giant planets would form around the protostar.
d.      Only terrestrial planets would form around the protostar.
e.       More planets would form around the protostar.
15.      Conservation of angular momentum slows a cloud’s collapse
a.       equally in all directions.
b.      only when the cloud is not rotating initially.
c.       mostly along directions perpendicular to the cloud’s axis of rotation.
d.      mostly at the poles that lie along the cloud’s axis of rotation.
e.       to a complete stop.
16.      What is a primary atmosphere?
a.       the atmospheres that all planets have today
b.      the gas captured during the planet’s formation
c.       the gas captured after the planet’s formation
d.      the oxygen and nitrogen in Earth’s atmosphere
e.       the gas closest to the planet’s surface

17.      What is a secondary atmosphere?
a.       the atmosphere that escapes
b.      the gas captured during the planet’s formation
c.       the gas farthest from the surface
d.      the atmosphere that remains after the planet has formed
e.       the gas closest to the planet surface
18.      Consider four spheres of equal mass and size. Which has the most potential energy?
a.       a sphere on the top shelf of a bookshelf
b.      a sphere rolling on the floor at the base of the bookshelf
c.       a sphere sitting at rest on the floor at the base of the bookshelf
d.      a sphere on the middle shelf of a bookshelf
e.       a sphere that fell from the top shelf to the floor
19.      The atmosphere of which of these Solar System bodies is primary, as opposed to secondary, in origin?
a.       Venus
b.      Earth
c.       Saturn’s moon Titan
d.      Saturn
e.       Mars
20.      The primary atmospheres of the planets are made mostly of
a.       carbon and oxygen.
b.      hydrogen and helium.
c.       oxygen and nitrogen.
d.      iron and nickel.
e.       nitrogen and argon.
21.      When you push your palms together and rub them back and forth, you are demonstrating one way of converting _________ energy into _________ energy.
a.       potential; thermal
b.      kinetic; potential
c.       thermal; kinetic
d.      kinetic; thermal
e.       potential; total
22.      The solid form of a volatile material is generally referred to as a(n)
a.       metal.
b.      silicate.
c.       ice.
d.      rock.
e.       refractory material.
23.      Based on the figure shown below, which planet(s) is(are) most likely to have the largest fraction of its(their) mass made of highly volatile materials such as methane and ammonia?
a.       Venus, Earth, and Mars
b.      Earth
c.       Saturn
d.      Jupiter
e.       Uranus

24.      What happens to the kinetic energy of gas as it falls toward and eventually hits the accretion disk surrounding a protostar?
a.       It is immediately converted into photons, giving off a flash of light on impact.
b.      It is converted into thermal energy, heating the disk.
c.       It is converted into potential energy as the gas plows through the disk and comes out the other side.
d.      It becomes the kinetic energy of the orbit of the gas in the accretion disk around the protostar.
e.       It disappears into interstellar space.
25.      What sets the temperature of the pocket of gas in a protoplanetary disk?
a.       its distance from the forming star
b.      how much kinetic energy was converted to heat
c.       how much radiation from the forming star shines on the gas
d.      a combination of A, B, and C
26.      Whether or not a planet is composed mostly of rock or gas is set by
a.       its mass.
b.      its temperature.
c.       its distance from the star when it formed.
d.      a combination of A, B, and C
27.      Which of the following is a terrestrial planet?
a.       Mercury
b.      Jupiter
c.       Venus
d.      both A and B
e.       both A and C
28.      Which of the following is a giant planet?
a.       Mercury
b.      Jupiter
c.       Venus
d.      both A and B
e.       both A and C
29.      Which is the best description of a moon?
a.       any small icy body in the solar system
b.      any small rocky body in the solar system
c.       any natural satellite of a planet or asteroid
d.      a captured asteroid
e.       a captured comet
30.      What is the most important factor in determining whether or not a planet will be rocky like terrestrial planets or gaseous like giant planets?
a.       the time at which the planet forms
b.      the planet’s radius
c.       the planet’s distance from the Sun
d.      whether the planet has moons
e.       the planet’s internal temperature
31.      Why do the outer giant planets have massive gaseous atmospheres of hydrogen and helium whereas the inner planets do not?
a.       These gases were more abundant in the outer regions of the accretion disk where the outer planets formed.
b.      The outer planets grew massive quickly enough to gravitationally hold on to these gases before the solar wind dispersed the accretion disk.
c.       The inner planets are made of rock.
d.      Frequent early collisions by comets with the inner planets caused most of their original atmospheres to dissipate.
32.      Comets and asteroids are
a.       other names for moons of the planets.
b.      primarily located within 1 astronomical unit (AU) of the Sun.
c.       all more massive than Earth’s Moon.
d.      material left over from the formation of the planets.
e.       other names for meteors.

33.      The Moon probably formed
a.       out of a collision between Earth and a Mars-sized object.
b.      when Earth’s gravity captured a planetesimal.
c.       when the accretion disk around Earth fragmented.
d.      when planetesimals collided to form a more massive object.
e.       when a piece of Earth broke off and entered orbit.
34.      What prevented the Moon from maintaining any atmosphere with which it originally formed?
a.       It repeatedly collided with planetesimals.
b.      It is too close to the Sun.
c.       The solar wind blew it away.
d.      It is not massive enough.
e.       It is tidally locked to Earth.
35.      Which of the following is not considered evidence of cataclysmic impacts in the history of our Solar System?
a.       Uranus is “tipped over” so that it rotates on its side.
b.      Valles Marineris on Mars is a huge scar, many times deeper than the Grand Canyon, which spans one-fourth the circumference of the planet.
c.       Mercury has a crust that has buckled on the opposite side of an impact crater.
d.      Mimas has a crater whose diameter is roughly one-third of the Moon’s size.
e.       Mercury, Earth’s Moon, and many other small bodies are covered with many impact craters.
36.      The difference in composition between the giant planets and the terrestrial planets is most likely caused by the fact that
a.       the giant planets are much larger.
b.      only the terrestrial planets have iron cores.
c.       the terrestrial planets are closer to the Sun.
d.      the giant planets are made mostly of carbon.
e.       only small differences in chemical composition existed in the solar nebula.
37.      Two competing models of the formation of giant gaseous planets suggest they form either from gas accreting onto a rocky core or from
a.       fragmentation of the accretion disk that surrounds the protostar.
b.      the merger of two large planetesimals.
c.       planets stolen from another nearby protostar.
d.      materials condensing out of the solar wind.
e.       an eruption of material from the protostar.
38.      Was it ever possible (or is it currently possible) for Jupiter to become a star?
a.       Yes, it is in the process of becoming a star in the near future.
b.      Yes, but it cooled off before it could become a star.
c.       No, it would have to be at least 13 times more massive.
d.      No, its composition is too different from stars for it to become one.
e.       No, it used to be massive enough, but the solar wind has blown off too much of its mass.
39.      How much material in an accretion disk goes into forming the planets, moons, and smaller objects?
a.       most of it
b.      roughly half of it
c.       none; these objects were not formed in the accretion disk
d.      a small amount of it

40.      Why do the terrestrial planets have a much higher fraction of their mass in heavy chemical elements (as opposed to lighter chemical elements) than the giant planets?
a.       Terrestrial planets are low in mass and high in temperature, thus their lighter chemical elements eventually escaped to the outer reaches of the Solar System.
b.      The heavier elements in the forming solar nebula sank to the center of the Solar System, thus the inner terrestrial planets formed mostly from heavy chemical elements.
c.       The giant planets were more massive than terrestrial planets, and the giant planets preferentially pulled the lighter elements from the inner to the outer Solar System.
d.      Terrestrial planets formed much earlier than giant planets before the hydrogen and helium had a chance to cool and condense onto them.
e.       Terrestrial planets are colder and thus more massive chemical elements condensed on them than on the giant planets.
41.      Which property of an extrasolar planet cannot be determined using the Doppler effect?
a.       orbital period
b.      orbital distance
c.       orbital speed
d.      mass
e.       radius
42.      What is the habitable zone?
a.       the distance from a star where liquid water can exist
b.      the location on the sky where planets can be found
c.       the distance from a star where liquid can exist
d.      the distance from a star where planets have oxygen in the atmosphere
e.       1 AU from any star
43.      Which method can be used to determine the radius of an extrasolar planet?
a.       Doppler shift
b.      transit
c.       microlensing
d.      direct imaging
e.       none of the above
44.      Most planets currently found around other stars are
a.       rocky in composition like terrestrial planets.
b.      2 to 10 MEarth, which is smaller than Neptune.
c.       2 to 10 MJupiter.
d.      located at distances much larger than Jupiter’s distance from the Sun.
e.       similar in mass to Earth.
45.      Which is not a scientific goal of NASA’s Kepler mission?
a.       finding Earth-sized planets
b.      finding rocky planets
c.       finding Earth-sized planets that could have liquid water
d.      finding intelligent life on other planets
e.       All the above are goals of the Kepler mission
46.      Consider a star that is more massive and hotter than the Sun. For such a star, the habitable zone would
a.       be located inside 1 AU.
b.      be located outside 1AU.
c.       not exist at any radii.
d.      exist at every radii.
47.      The Kepler mission is designed to search for extrasolar planets using the _________ method.
a.       Doppler shift
b.      transit
c.       microlensing
d.      direct imaging

48.      Earth-sized planets have been found using the _________ method(s).
a.       Doppler shift
b.      transit and Doppler shift
c.       microlensing
d.      direct imaging
e.       transit
49.      Astronomers believe that the “hot Jupiters” found orbiting other stars must have migrated inward over time
a.       by slowly accreting large amounts of gas and increasing their gravitational pull.
b.      by losing their gas because of evaporation.
c.       by losing orbital angular momentum.
d.      after colliding with another planet.
e.       after a close encounter between their star and another star.
50.      The borderline between the most massive planet and the least massive brown dwarf occurs at
a.       4 Jupiter masses.
b.      13 Jupiter masses.
c.       120 Jupiter masses.
d.      80 Jupiter masses.
e.       45 Jupiter masses.
51.      Have astronomers detected any Earth-sized planets around normal stars yet?
a.       Yes, the Kepler spacecraft is just starting to find them.
b.      Yes, although the ones detected lie much closer to their stars than we do to ours.
c.       Yes, although the ones detected lie much farther from their stars than we do from ours.
d.      No, we do not have the technology to detect such low-mass planets yet.
e.       No; although we have the technology to detect low-mass planets, we haven’t found any others yet.
52.      Why have astronomers using the radial velocity method found more Jupiter-sized planets at a distance of 1 AU around other stars than Earth-sized planets?
a.       A Jupiter-sized planet occults a larger area than an Earth-sized planet.
b.      A Jupiter-sized planet exerts a larger gravitational force on the star than an Earth-sized planet, and the Doppler shift of the star is larger.
c.       A Jupiter-sized planet shines brighter than an Earth-sized planet.
d.      Earth-sized planets are much rarer than Jupiter-sized planets.
e.       Actually, the planets found at these distances all have been Earth-sized.
53.      When astronomers began searching for extrasolar planets, they were surprised to discover Jupiter-sized planets much closer than 1 AU from their parent stars. Why is this surprising?
a.       These planets must have formed at larger radii where temperatures were cooler and then migrated inward.
b.      Jupiter-sized, rocky planets were thought to be uncommon in other solar systems.
c.       These planets must be the remnants of failed stars.
d.      Earth-like planets must be rarer than Jupiter-sized planets in other solar systems.
e.       Jupiter-sized planets so close to the star are different than in our Solar System.
54.      Which of the following is false?
a.       Hundreds of extrasolar planets have been discovered to date from radial velocity surveys.
b.      The most common types of extrasolar planets found to date have masses 10 times the mass of Jupiter and lie within 5 AU from their parent star.
c.       Some planetary systems have been found that contain multiple planets.
d.      A star can brighten significantly because of gravitational lensing when a planet that orbits it passes directly in front of the star.
e.       The Kepler mission has begun to find terrestrial planets similar in size to Earth.

55.      Astronomers have used radial velocity monitoring to discover
a.       extrasolar planetary systems that are similar to our own Solar System.
b.      Earth-sized planets around other stars.
c.       Earth-sized planets at distances of 10 AU from their parent stars.
d.      extrasolar planetary systems that contain more than one planet.
e.       all of the above
56.      An observer located outside our Solar System, who monitors the velocity of our Sun over time, will find that the Sun’s velocity varies by ± 12 m/s over a period of 12 years, due to
a.       Jupiter’s gravitational pull.
b.      Earth’s gravitational pull.
c.       variations in its brightness.
d.      convection on the Sun’s surface.
e.       the sunspot cycle.
57.      Detecting a planet around another star using the transit method is difficult because the
a.       planet must pass directly in front of the star.
b.      planet must have a rocky composition.
c.       star must be very dim.
d.      star must be moving with respect to us.
e.       planet’s orbital period is usually longer than 1 month.
58.      In the figure below, which of the dips in the brightness of the star is(are) caused by the transit of the planet with the largest orbital period?
a.       A
b.      B
c.       C
d.      A and B
e.       B and C
59.      Figure 7.4 shows data from the transit study of a star in which three different planets repeatedly transit in front of the star (A, B, and C). Which dip is(are) caused by the transit of the planet with the smallest radius?
a.       A
b.      B
c.       C
d.      A, B, and C
e.       impossible to tell from these data
60.      Using the Doppler effect data shown in the figure below, determine the approximate orbital period of the extrasolar planet.
a.       1 year
b.      3 years
c.       6 years
d.      8 years
e.       12 years
61.      Using the Doppler effect data for a particular star shown in Figure 7.5 and assuming the star is about the same mass as our Sun, determine the approximate orbital distance of its exoplanet.
a.       1.1 AU
b.      6.4 AU
c.       18 AU
d.      36 AU
e.       3.3 AU

62.      From the data shown in Figure 7.5, which property of an extrasolar planet cannot be determined?
a.       orbital period
b.      orbital distance
c.       radius
d.      mass
e.       All of the above properties can be determined.
63.      What is the best method to detect Earth-sized exoplanets with the telescopes and instrumentation that exist today?
a.       Doppler shift
b.      Transit
c.       Microlensing
d.      Direct imaging
64.      Which of the following is false?
a.       The masses of exoplanets can be determined using the radial velocity technique.
b.      Most of the exoplanets detected to date have masses that are between 2 and 10 MEarth.
c.       Some exoplanets have been found in the habitable zone around their stars.
d.      Using the transit technique, the Kepler satellite has detected rocky planets.
e.       No images of exoplanets have been obtained because they are too far away.
65.      In the figure shown below, what can be directly measured from the information given?
a.       the mass of the planet
b.      percentage reduction in light
c.       size of the planet
d.      orbital radius of the planet
e.       distance of the star

66.      What is the ratio of the orbital angular momentum of Earth compared to its spin angular momentum? Note that Earth has a radius of 6 × 106 m, and 1 AU is 1.5 × 1011 m.
a.       1
b.      70
c.       640
d.      25,000
e.       4.3 × 106
67.      What is the ratio of the orbital angular momentum of Jupiter to its spin angular momentum? Jupiter’s orbit has a semimajor axis of 5 AU and period of 12 years, and Jupiter has a rotation period of 0.4 day and a radius of 70,000 km.
a.       650,000
b.      26,000
c.       920
d.      38
e.       4.5
68.      If an interstellar cloud having a diameter of 1016 m and a rotation period of 1 million years were to collapse to form a sphere that had the diameter of our Solar System, approximately 40 AU, what would its rotation period be? Assume the cloud’s total mass and angular momentum did not change.
a.       1 million years
b.      600 years
c.       1 year
d.      6 years
e.       4 months

69.      Consider a small parcel of gas in the cloud out of which the Sun formed that initially was located in the accretion disk at a distance of 10 AU from the Sun and rotating around it with a speed of 10 km/s. If this parcel of gas eventually found its way to a distance of 1 AU from the Sun without changing its orbital angular momentum, what would be its new rotation speed?
a.       100 km/s
b.      0.1 km/s
c.       0.001 km/s
d.      10 km/s
e.       1,000 km/s
70.      If an astronomer on a planet orbiting a nearby star observed the Sun when Neptune was transiting in front of the Sun, how would the Sun’s brightness change? Note that the radius of Neptune is 2.5 × 107 m.
a.       The Sun’s brightness would decrease by 0.1 percent.
b.      The Sun’s brightness would increase by 0.1 percent.
c.       The Sun’s brightness would increase by 1 percent.
d.      The Sun’s brightness would decrease by 1 percent.
e.       The Sun’s brightness would not change at all.
1.      Explain the nebular hypothesis, and describe two observations that support it.
2.      Explain why astronomers believe that the formation of planets is a natural by-product of star formation.
3.      How do meteorites tell us about how the solar system formed?
4.      What does conservation of angular momentum mean?
5.      What evidence do we have that the accretion disk that formed the Solar System was initially much more dense near its center?
6.      Explain why an accretion disk forms around a protostar when an interstellar cloud collapses.
7.      What happens to a slowly rotating cloud as it collapses to form a stellar system?
8.      What is the difference between refractory and volatile materials?
9.      Explain why there are significant amounts of methane and ammonia in the atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune but not nearly as much in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn.
10.      Why does an accretion disk heat up?
11.      The primary atmosphere of Earth consisted of what type of chemical elements and from where did it originate? What chemical elements did the secondary atmosphere of Earth consist of and from where did it originate?
12.      Explain the primary reasons why the inner solar nebula was hotter than the outer solar nebula.
13.      Why did the terrestrial planets lose their primary atmospheres?
14.      How do astronomers explain the basic difference in composition between the inner planets and the outer planets?

15.      Why did the planetesimals in the asteroid belt never coalesce into a planet?
16.      Why might a newly discovered comet contain clues to the composition of the early solar nebula?
17.      What are craters in the solar system evidence of?
18.      How did the formation of our Moon differ from the formation of the Galilean moons of Jupiter?
19.      Approximately how massive are most of the extrasolar planets that have been discovered using the Doppler effect, and which planet in our Solar System is similar in mass? Why is the Doppler effect method more likely to find massive (rather than low-mass) planets and planets that are close to their stars?

20.      Explain why most of the extrasolar planets that astronomers first detected were so-called “hot Jupiters.”
21.      Have any Earth-sized, terrestrial, extrasolar planets been detected? If so, explain what method(s) is(are) used.
22.      In addition to the percentage reduction in light, is anything else needed to determine the size of the transiting planet?
23.      Explain how astronomers use the Doppler effect to detect the presence of extrasolar planets.
24.      What property of an extrasolar planet can be determined directly from the Doppler effect data shown in the figure below? What other properties of the planet can then be determined?
25.      Briefly explain the five different observational methods we use to detect extrasolar planets. How many extrasolar planets have been discovered to date?
26.      What evidence do we have that planetary systems are common in the universe?
27.      What is planet migration?
28.      What are some limitations of the radial velocity method of exoplanet detection?
29.      What are some limitations of the transit method of exoplanet detection?
30.      Compare the orbital angular momentum of Earth and Jupiter. Which is larger and by how much? (Note that Jupiter’s mass is 318 times that of Earth, the semimajor axis of Jupiter’s orbit is 5.2 AU, and Jupiter’s orbital period is 12 years.)

For The Students Who Need Grade ‘A’ In Their Studies

Hi, hope you are having a great day…
We are a group of 24 writers having profound expertise in Business and Computer Science subjects. We can help you score A grade in your Accounting, Marketing, Finance, Economics, Management, Mathematics, Statistics, Information System, System Modeling, C++, Java Programming, Network Administration, Enterprise Administration, Database, Web Design, Networking, Internetworking, Data warehouse etc…
We can also provide help with Psychology, Nursing, Health, History, English Literature, Political Science, Ethics, Humanity etc classes.
We can help with essays, term papers, research papers, dissertation, Ilabs, mymatlab, Wileplus, quizzes, exams, discussion questions etc.
You can expect:
We understand each student has different requirement and we tend to treat each student according to his/her satisfaction.
We will provide original assignments, plagiarism free and to custom requirement.
We will always meet deadlines.
Our support will be 24/27, even in holidays.
Our pricing will be fair.
We will do free revisions if you want to make changes in provided work.
Email us for more information, query and quote.


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